Thursday, May 27, 2010


1. Syarikat Malaysia

2. Lesen sah, diluluskan dan selamat.

3. Penerima Anugerah 'Syarikat Paling Pesat Berkembang' 2007-Anugerah Wanita MCA.

4. Penerima Anugerah 'Syarikat Paling Jujur Peringkat Asia Pasifik' 2008-Keris Award.

5. Penerima Anugerah 'Organisasi Mesra Pengguna Islam' 2008-Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia.

6. Internet sebagai media pengurusan perniagaan, BUKAN tempat pelaburan.

7. Pejabat di Petaling Jaya, boleh datang bila-bila.

8. Kini meluaskan perniagaan ke 9 buah negara (Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Nevada, Hong Kong, Dubai).


1. Poor people believe:"Life happens to me."

2. Poor people play the money game to not lose.

3. Poor people want to be rich.

4. Poor people think small.

5. Poor people focus on obstacles and excuses.

6. Poor people resent rich and successful people.

7. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.

8. Poor people think negatively about selling and promoting.

9. Poor people are smaller than their problems.

10. Poor people are poor receivers.

11. Poor people mismanage their money well.

12. Poor people focus on their working income.

13. Poor people think they already know.

Words of Wisdom

"Mengatakan diri anda lemah sebelum terbukti diri anda memang lemah, itu kelemahan anda yang paling lemah!!"

"If you want to be success @ if you want to get rich, change your attitude not your environment"

"Orang berjaya tak pernah beri alasan sedangkan orang yang beri alasan tak pernah berjaya"

"You do the same, you get the same.. You say the same, you stay the same"

"Orang kaya selalu berfikir HOW? sedangkan orang miskin selalu mengadu WHY?"

"If you don't like the result, change your approach"

"Kata-kata itu penting tapi tanpa TINDAKAN ia SIA-SIA... Kata-kata itu DUSTA, Tindakan itu KEBENARAN!"

"Don't care what other people's said, just do it! Let time tells"

"Jadilah seperti burung, merasakan rezekinya di hujung sayap, jgn jadi seperti bayi yang merasakan rezekinya di hujung suap.."

"The greater pleasures is when u did that other peoples said u can never do"


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